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Governance System
Board of Management
Planning Board
Finance Committee
Academic Council
Governance System

      The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India shall be the Sponsoring Society of the Gandhigram Rural Institute(GRI), Gandhigram. The members of GRI Society with whom the management of the said Society is entrusted is as follows:

1 Hon’ble Minister of Education
Government of India
2 Hon'ble Minister of State for Education
(Higher Education)
Government of India
3 Hon'ble Minister of State for Education
(School Education & Literacy)
Government of India
4 Secretary (Higher Education)
Ministry of Education
Government of India
5 Chairman, UGC Member
6 Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor
Ministry of Education
Government of India
7 Chancellor
Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram
8 Vice Chancellor
Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram
9 Joint Secretary
(In-charge of Deemd to be University)
Ministry of Education, GoI.
  • Among the authorities of the Gandhigram Rural Institute, there shall be a Chancellor who shall be appointed by the Central Government and shall be a distinguished public figure.
  • The Central Government may also appoint a person as a Pro Chancellor, whose role would be limited to carrying out the tasks assigned to the Chancellor in the MoA/Rules, when the latter is not available for carrying out the same.
  • The Board of Management of the Institute shall be independent with full autonomy to perform its academic and administrative responsibilities.
  • The highest executive body of the Institute shall be the Board of Management to be headed by the Vice Chancellor of the Institute. This body shall consist of a minimum of ten members and a maximum of fifteen members.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall be an eminent academic and shall be appointed by the Chancellor, from the panel of five names suggested by a Search-cum-Selection Committee (SCSC), constituted by Ministry of Education with the concurrence of Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). The composition of SCSC shall be as follows:
    • A nominee of Chancellor
    • Two nominees of Central Government of which at least one should be outside expert of eminence
    • Two nominees of Board of Management
    • The Chairman SCSC shall be decided by the Central Government

  • The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor, after approval of the Central Government.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for term of 5 years. He/she shall be eligible for a second term, provided that in no case he/she shall hold office beyond the age of 70 years. Provided that notwithstanding the expiry of the period of 5 years, he/she may continue in office for not more than six months or till his/her successor is appointed and the later assumes office, whichever, is earlier.
  • In case of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor becoming vacant due to resignation or otherwise, the charge shall be given to the senior most Professor, with approval of the Government, who shall perform the duties of the Vice-Chancellor until a new Vice-Chancellor is appointed. In case, Vice-Chancellor proceeds on leave, the senior most Professor shall look after the affairs of the Vice-Chancellor.

Access to PWD
gri_admin_block The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University)
Gandhigram, Dindigul District,
Tamil Nadu, India. Pincode: 624 302.
Phone: 0451-2452371
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