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1. Events

News Bulletin

Sl.No. Seminar/Conference/other Programmes Date Resource Person Organizing Secretary
01. Write Like a Pro: Grammarly's Secrets to Effective Writing 26.04.2024 Mr. Binoy Halam, Sales Manager. Total Library Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru. Dr. R. Venkataravi
02. iThenticate in 2024: Enhanced Flagging, Filtering, and Interface Updates 25.04.2024 Mr. Sagar P. Betageri, Account Manager for South India, Noida, U.P. Dr. R. Venkataravi
03. World Book & Copy Right Day- Webinar titled "Gateway to Global Resources: INFED Remote Access Unveiled" 24.04.2024 Mr. V. Raja, Scientist-C, INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad. Dr. R. Venkataravi
04. Library Orientation Programme was conducted for newly admitted UG & PG students for the year 2023 - 24 01.12.2023 to 19.12.2023 1. R. Vasanth Chelliah, Assistant Librarian, GRI
2. K. Sabitha Banu, Assistant Librarian, GRI
3. K. Ganesh Kumar, Assistant Librarian, GRI
Dr. R. Venkataravi
05. National Librarian's Day - Special Lecture on "Life Begins at Library" 11.08.2023 Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Vice-Principal & Asso.Professor of Commerce and Head, Vivekanda College, Tiruvedakam West, Madurai. Dr. R. Venkataravi
06. Open Software Tools for Research Writing 22.06.2023 1. Dr. S. Aravindan, Librarian and Head, GTN Arts College, Dindigul.
2. Dr. K. Ramasamy, Librarian, M.V.M. Arts College for Women, Dindigul
Dr. R. Venkataravi
07. Hands-on Experience Training Programme on Checking Plagiarism 14.06.2023 & 15.06.2023 1. R. Vasanth Chelliah, Assistant Librarian, GRI
2. K. Sabitha Banu, Assistant Librarian, GRI
3. K. Ganesh Kumar, Assistant Librarian, GRI
Dr. R. Venkataravi
08. World Book & Copy Right Day : Special Lecture on 'Read, Grow, Inspire' & Introduction of the Book "Key to Health" written by M.K. Gandhi in the Reader's Forum 25.04.2023 1. Dr. S. Aravindan, Librarian and Head, GTN Arts College, Dindigul.
2. Dr. L. Raja, Professor, Dept. of Lifelong Learning, GRI
Dr. R. Venkataravi
09. Training Programme for Research Scholars on Research & Publication Ethics 09.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 1. R. Vasanth Chelliah, Assistant Librarian, GRI
2. K. Sabitha Banu, Assistant Librarian, GRI
3. K. Ganesh Kumar, Assistant Librarian, GRI
Dr. R. Venkataravi
10. Library Orientation Programme was conducted for newly admitted UG & PG students for the year 2022 - 23 12.12.2022 to 03.01.2023 1. R. Vasanth Chelliah, Assistant Librarian, GRI
2. K. Sabitha Banu, Assistant Librarian, GRI
3. K. Ganesh Kumar, Assistant Librarian, GRI
Dr. R. Venkataravi
11. National Library Week Celebration: Film show on Gandhiji, Dr.G.Ramachandran and Dr. S.R. Ranganathan 18.11.2022 Library Staff Dr. R. Venkataravi
12. National Library Week Celebration: Rare Book Display and open day for the public to visit the Library 17.11.2022 Library Staff Dr. R. Venkataravi
13. National Library Week Celebration: Special Lecture on Role of Reading Associations in Transformative Learning 16.11.2022 Smt. Kalpana Kaushik, Director, Indian Adult Education Association, New Delhi. Dr. R. Venkataravi
14. National Library Week Celebration: Special Webinar on Turnitin, iThenticate 15.11.2022 Mr. Binay Krishna Guin, Turnitin India Pvt. Ltd., Noida, U.P. Dr. R. Venkataravi
15. National Library Week Celebration: Special Lecture on E-Resources & Online searching tools 14.11.2022 Dr.S. Dhanavandhan, Deputy Librarian, Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvarur. Dr. R. Venkataravi
16. Online workshop on improving Research Writing Skills using Grammarly 27.04.2022 Mr. Ratish Iyer, Trainer, Bridge People Technology Solutions, Bengaluru. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
17. Orientation Programme about Library Resources & Services for Research Scholars 05.04.2022 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
18. Hands on training Programme on Stock Verification of books to Department Library Books 30.03.2022 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
19. National Library Week Celebration: Awareness Webinar on Project Muse 18.11.2021 Balani Infotech Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
20. National Library Week Celebration: National Webinar on Introduction to SHERPO RoMEO online resource 17.11.2021 Dr. K.Mahalakshmi, Asst. Librarian (SS), Avinashilingam Institute for HomeScience & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
21. National Library Week Celebration: National Webinar on Challenges for LIS Professionals in the Changing Environment 16.11.2021 Dr. R. Sevugan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Library and Informtion Science, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
22. National Library Week Celebration: Launching of Digital Documents on / by Dr,G. Ramachandran, Former Vice-Chancellor,Gandhigram 15.11.2021 Dr. T. T. Renganathan, The Vice-Chancellor i/c and V.P.R. Sivakumar, Registrar, GRI. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
23. Webinar on Effective Utilization of JGate @ E-ShodhSindu for Learning, Teaching, Research and Project Work. 01.09.2021 Mr. Rahul.S, (Asst. Manager,J-Gate Informatics Publishing Ltd., Bengaluru. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
24. Launching of Monthly Faculty Publication Alert Service through 'GRI LIB' WhatsApp Group & Webinar on Knimbus: Web and Mobile App 25.06.2021 1.Dr. S. Madheswaran, Vice-Chancellor, GRI
2. Mr. A.S. Hariss, Deputy Regional Manager-GIST, Knimbus Online Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
25. Hands on Training on Project Muse Website Portal 25.06.2021 Mr. Sushanth BJ, Product Trainer, Balani Infotech Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
26. National Library Week Celebration: National Webinar on Urkund-Live demo 20.11.2020 Ms. Prity Rathi, Trainer, Support team, eGalactic, Pune. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
27. National Library Week Celebration: National Webinar on Research Misconduct 19.11.2020 Dr. R. Sevugan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Library and Informtion Science, Pondicherry University. Pondicherry. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
28. National Library Week Celebration: National Webinar on user awareness training on iThenticate 18.11.2020 Ms. Purna Bose, Professional & Educational Services Lead, South Asia Turnitin, Noida, U.P. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
29. National Library Week Celebration: National Webinar on Grammarly 17.11.2020 Mr. Ratish Iyer, Trainer, Bridge people Technology solutions Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
30. National Webinar on Researchgate Researcher Profile - Live Demo 30.09.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
31. National Webinar on Mendeley Researcher Profile - Live Demo 24.09.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
32. National Webinar on Publons Profile - Live Demo 17.09.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
33. National Webinar on ORCID Profile - Live Demo 10.09.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
34. National Webinar on Google Scholar My Profile - Live Demo 04.09.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
35. National Webinar on Managing Researcher's Citation Profile in the Academic and Social Media 05.08.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
36. National Webinar on Awareness Session on Project Muse 20.07.2020 Mr. Sushanth BJ, Product Trainer, Balani Infotech Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru. Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
37. Webinar on Academic Research Profile - Live Demo 10.07.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
38. Webinar on Increasing Citations through Social Media 03.07.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
39. Webinar on Increasing E-Visibility through Academic Identity 27.06.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
40. Webinar on Impact Factors 20.06.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
41. Webinar on Citation Databases 12.06.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan
42. Webinar on Citation Tools 06.06.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan
43. Webinar on Citation 30.05.2020 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr.M. Tamizhchelvan
44. Moodle and its Benefits to Students 23.05.2020 Mrs. Sivagami Shanmugam, Technical Director, 2CQR Automation Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. Dr.M. Tamizhchelvan
45. Effective Utilization of J-Gate@e-ShodhSindhu - One Platform to Discover All Scholarly e-Journal Literature 09.05.2020 Mr. Rahul.S, Asst. Manager,J-Gate Informatics Publishing Ltd., Bengaluru. Dr.M. Tamizhchelvan
46. National Library Week Celebrations: One Day Hands on Training Programme on "Accessing E-Resources and Reference Tools" 14.11.2019 Dr.S. Dhanavandhan, Deputy Librarian, Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvarur. Dr.M. Tamizhchelvan
47. One day National Workshop on accessing E-Resources and Reference Tools 19.09.2019 Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan, Former Librarian, Dr.G.Ramachandran Libray, GRI Dr. M. Tamilzhchelvan

2. Book Exhibition Organized
  1. 29.01.2020 & 30.01.2020

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